Earlier in the week I posted that I wasn't very fun to be around while "motivating" the kids to clean. I mentioned that the wife told me to leave and do two things to help me relax. Turns out, mentioning that was just as bad as actually repeating what she said, as people keep asking her what those two things were. I'm already in enough trouble as it is so I suppose I might as well spill the beans.
There are two things I do that help me relax. The first activity that helps me unwind is to drive my old yellow slug bug down by the railroad tracks. There my friends and I have a secret clubhouse of sorts that the police, our preacher and our parents don’t know about. Inside this club we have poetry written all over the walls, some from books, others we write ourselves. When the train comes by sometimes we stand in front of it, hold our hands up for it to stop and scream at the top of our lungs.
The other activity I do to relieve stress is much more effective. After school I work in an old mill stacking bags of feed and shoveling up the spills. At night sometimes it helps to drive my yellow bug to the mill, light up a smoke, pop in a tape and let the music flow into my soul. As I do this, images of the people who cause me stress pass through my mind. When I get sufficiently amped, I run through the mill dancing (as a side note, dancing has been banned in our town ever since a group of kids drove their car off of a bridge after a late night of dancing). I can’t tell you how good it feels to run through the mill, skipping every few steps and moving my body to the music. There are even some parallel bars on which I do gymnastics if life is extra stressful. It’s amazing how much better one can feel after participating in such rebellious behavior.
There you have it, I hope your curiosity is sufficiently satisfied.
Cause you gotta cut loose, footloose. Kick off your Sunday shoes....