Thursday, November 4, 2010

Food and Flatulence

Today we need to make this blog more fun and entertaining.  After thinking about it for 5 minutes (sorry, my attention span doesn’t allow me to spend more than 5 minutes on anything) I decided that the best way to spice up this blog is to make it more interactive so today I am going to ask for your help.  I want you to send me your most embarrassing moment.  You can either post it as a comment or email it to me at and I will post it on the blog.  I won't, of course, mention your name.  Since I don’t have a ton of followers, I’m inviting you to send the link to your friends, asking them to contribute.  Even though I don’t embarrass easily, I’ll get us started by mentioning some of my shining moments.

  1. When I was young we had a family reunion at a lake resort.  One night we were roasting hot dogs on the campfire.  I grabbed a roaster that already had a hot dog on it.  My uncle looked at me and asked, “Why are you burning the handle of my roaster?”  Taking a closer look what I thought was a hot dog was the wooden handle of the roaster.
  2. In 8th grade drama class I jumped forward in my seat to get into a conversation.  The force of the motion caused my stomach to contract and I…ahem (tooted).  Luckily someone turned to the boy next to me and exclaimed, “Geoff!!!!”
  3. At a company Christmas lunch a couple of years ago I popped what I thought was divinity into my mouth.  Immediately, I knew something was wrong.  Hoping no one noticed, I hurried and swallowed but my boss questioned, “Did you just eat butter?” for the world to hear.  I don’t know why people have to get fancy in their presentation of butter anyway.
  4. Once at a park I got out of the car and...ahem (tooted) in the immediate direction of the car parked next to us.  When I turned to leave I noticed a woman inside the car feeding her baby, laughing out of control.
What does it say about me that all of my stories are about food or flatulence? 

Ok, now it’s your turn.  Don’t be shy. 

1 comment:

  1. When I was 16, my friends and I went to the Springville vs Spanish Fork baseball game. We got the bright idea to climb the fence instead of going around to pay. As I am straddling the chainlink, a voice over the loudspeaker says, "Will the girls who are climbing the fence please come around and pay?" Yeah, not such a great idea after all!
