Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm Back

Did anyone even notice I was gone?  So last week I decided that I had enough and headed out for a quick, completely spontaneous vacation to Tahiti.  It was so nice to be relaxing on the sparkling beaches, looking over the ocean without a care in the world.  Ok, so I was really in Idaho deer hunting but that's the same thing, right?  It was Wally's first deer hunt so he, my dad, my brother and I headed north to be stinky, manly men. 

When I came home from a week with the guys I decided it would be wise to take the wife out to dinner.  We went to Little Caesars to pick up pizza for the kids and, while I was there, I decided there is a trend in the fast food industry that is driving me crazy.  It started at Arctic Circle.  Every once in a while we stop by Arctic Circle for ice cream.  It has always bugged me to pull up at the drive thru and have them say, "Welcome to Arctic Circle.  Can I interest you in a combo meal tonight?"  Then I have to reply, "No thanks, I think I'd like some ice cream."

In business school I learned why fast food restaurants are so successful.  It's not that the food is exceptional, fast food restaurants are successful because they are cheap and when you go there you know exactly what you are getting.  At the restaurant where the wife and I went, I asked the waiter if he recommended anything on the menu.  But think about it, when was the last time you went to McDonalds, Little Caesars or Burger King and had to ask for recommendations?  Which brings me back to my story....I'm sure everyone is familiar with the Hot n Ready Pizza for $5 at Little Caesars.  I hate it when I walk in and order two Hot n Ready Pizzas only to have the cashier point out the obvious sign in front of the register advertising a more premium pizza for $3 more.  I always feel so awkward smiling and saying, "No thanks, I think I really do want what I told you I want." 

When you were in college and a guy would come to your apartment and ask for Sharon would you say, "Yes, she's here but so is Carol, are you sure you don't want to see her?"  When kids knock at your door and ask to play with Danny do you say, "He's here, but wouldn't you rather play with Johnny?" 

I'm beginning to wonder if this is all part of Obama's plan.  Maybe fast food establishments have been instructed by the Obama administration to tell us what we want in order to desensitize us, further convincing us that others know what's best for us more than we do.  Once we are sufficiently prepared maybe we'll be more accepting of Obamacare.

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